COVID-19 and the City Coverage



The following pieces relate to the governmental responses to the COVID-19 pandemic:

How are governments responding?

What power dynamics are changing?

What is the long-term institutional effects that the pandemic will have?



The following pieces relate to the effects on urban lifestyles that the COVID-19 pandemic is having:

What about our urban lifestyles is changing?

And will these changes be short-, or long-term?



The following pieces relate to how communities are reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic:

What is happening on the ground?

How are communities coming together — or falling apart — in response?

What will be the lasting impacts of these actions?



The ‘Post-COVID-19 Futures’ project seeks out visions and perspectives on what cities will be like after the pandemic.

The themes are: urban tech, big data and digital governance; mobility; environment and green space; urban lifestyles and city life.